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To view today's dishes, view Daily Cuisines page


How does it work?

Dine In - 249 CZK

Enjoy delicious food from different countries at a great price - Chinese specialties, sushi, traditional Czech dishes, various salads, and soups.

Eat all you can and then have some more. But please, don't waste our great food

Take Away - 249 CZK

All dishes from us are available for TAKE AWAY. You can at most take away 2 boxes:

  • ONE box of warm dish or sushi

  • ONE box of soup

We encourage ECO – You can bring your packaging boxes with similar sizes to Gong’s packaging.

Box 20 CZK , Bag 5 CZK


Individual Meal

How does it work?

Czech Cuisine Option

Choose a main dish from our daily menu

one daily choice of salad for free.

179 CZK


Chinese Cuisine Option

Choose a main dish from our daily menu

one side dish

one daily choice of salad for free

179 CZK

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